ARTCC - Air Route Traffic Control Centre
ARTCC stands for Air Route Traffic Control Centre
Here you will find, what does ARTCC stand for in Military.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Air Route Traffic Control Centre? Air Route Traffic Control Centre can be abbreviated as ARTCC What does ARTCC stand for? ARTCC stands for Air Route Traffic Control Centre. What does Air Route Traffic Control Centre mean?Air Route Traffic Control Centre is an expansion of ARTCC
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Alternative definitions of ARTCC
- Air Route Traffic Control Center
- Air Route Traffic Control Center
- Air Route Traffic Control Center
- air route traffic control center
View 5 other definitions of ARTCC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- ARTEMIS Array TEchnology for MIssile Seekers
- ARTHUR Artillery Hunting Radar
- ARTI Aeronautical Research and Test Institute
- ARTS Agile Radar Target Simulator
- ARTS All-Round Thermal Surveillance
- Arty Artillery Equipment
- ARTYSYS Artillery Systems
- ARV Armoured Recovery Vehicle
- ARW Airborne Rotary Wing